Juan Liberato
Computing Engineer - Innovation Management
Healthcare , Visualization & Data Analytics
Technical Product Manager - Real World Data @ Promptly Health
+351 912 729 907


Software Engineer with a taste for Innovation in Healthcare, statistics and data. I've taken different roles in the industry, from software development to leading product & development in Healthcare SaaS, including research and business development. I have created products based on Data and Machine Learning & Visualization, I have managed teams compassing clinical specialists, product designers, software / data engineers & scientists. My knowledge spans web, visualization, cloud engineering and statistics. I’m an expert in assessment theory and applying it to create value in healthcare. My #1 concern is having an impactful career to build our future. I have experience in the US and European healthcare industries.

Website : jcliberatol.github.io


Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Bachelor of Engineering in Systems and Computing

February 2009 to August 2015

Thesis : Computer Adaptive Testing , An Implementation for web servers and web browsers with Item Response Theory.

Developed a system based on the IRTpp library (R) and OpenCPU framework to make a RESTful API that implements the backend of a Computer Adaptive Testing system. Coupled with a web application that allows the creation of items and tests in the Item Response Theory framework delivering tests that adapt to the needs of the student.

Universidade do Porto

Masters of Engineering & Economics in Innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship

2022 and Ongoing

Professional Experience

Promptly health Technical Product Manager - Real World Data

December 2022 - Current

Making value based healthcare (outcomes research tools) a reality, I manage our real World Data platform product and vision. Helped the creation and leading of the data team focused on building a real world data product growing the team to 13 people in a hyper growth stage. I’m also leading company-wide programs for data standards and agile management . Our product encompasses hospitals, insurance companies and pharma, in 5 diseases (and growing) and 1.5 million patients.

Mundopato Director of Data Analytics & Psychometrics

October 2016 - Nov 2022

I have lead the development of two of the company's flagship products for therapy intelligence, assessments (in partnership with Harvard Medical School) Website , and dashboards (Data Analytics), data visualization using React / D3.js / Dc.js , backend development (AWS lambda , Java EE, Python, Google Apps Scripts) and statistical analysis (R) Serving 4 platforms in 8 countries. (SaaS B2B)

Next University (NextU) Director, Big Data Course

January 2016 - August 2016

Developed a Big Data course curriculum for nextu.com, i developed the data visualization part (D3.js and ggplot in R), Crawling & ML (Python) & statistics (R) Modules of the course, including syllabus, rubrics, exercises, projects and exams and tutor guidelines and answer sheets, i lead a team of 5 people responsible for content creation.

Integ.ro Adaptive testing & Front-end Developer

July 2016 - December 2016

Developed for an agency in multiple projects in the education industry, including :

  • Open english adaptive tests : Developed two english adaptive tests for openenglish.com including developing a statistical backend (Java) and leading the front end proyect Website
  • VitApp , mobile app that uses an adaptive test engine for aiding functional medicine diagnosis Website
  • Develop various e-learning applications for use by company training in numerous clients

Victory Productions / Linden Learning SAS Front-end Developer

December 2015 - July 2016

My role as a front end developer took me into the graphical programming & modern web development in a educational software development agency, with projects such as:

  • Sellability-Hubbard college sales platform : SPA in HTML5 , localized in 5 languages. Using Metacog. (Backbone.js, handlebars.js) Website
  • Pearson STEM simulations : Webgl physics simulations 2D & 3D for Pearson Education. Physics of materials courses (threejs)

Universidad Nacional de Colombia , SICS Research Group. Lead Developer & Assistant Researcher

August 2012 - November 2015

Lead a development team that built the IRTpp package for R which enables educational researchers to make analysis and get insights from exams stored in databases connected to R eg. (PISA , GRE , ICFES , etc) R Package

  • Designed and developed a architecture as a solution for the R package and the software ecosystem built by the statisticians and developers of the team./b>
  • Managed workflows based in git to coordinate different code repositories across the whole team, did QA for the library code with frequent code reviews to optimize and clean the package.
  • Automatized the test infrastructure to run tests across 100's of GB in SQL and no-SQL databases.
  • Wrote the Data visualisation routines for the package both for user methods , documentation and reports. (ggplot2 , knitr)
  • Developed and researched statistical models related to item response theory, and used them to model new methodologies to calibrate and assess the models.

Skills and Knowledge


Spanish (Native)

English C2

Portuguese B2

Development (Languages & Libraries/Frameworks)


  • React / Backbone / Vue
  • threejs / glsl
  • firebase
  • d3js / dcjs / svg
  • node / koa


  • IRTpp / Rcpp / RCUDA
  • ggplot2 / Rshiny / hadleyverse
  • OpenCPU / testthat / Roxygen


  • airflow
  • django / flask
  • tweepy
  • pandas / Sk-learn

Data Modeling & dev/ops


  • MongoDB
  • MySQL
  • Firebase
  • AWS DynamoDB & S3


  • Linux (Debian & CentOS)
  • AWS / Linode / Google Cloud
  • git
  • TravisCI, gulp


  • PowerBI /
  • d3.js dc.js threejs blender /
  • Google Data Studio



  • Markdown
  • LaTex
  • Doxygen
  • Sphinx


  • Google Docs (Google Apps Scripts)
  • Microsoft Office

Open source & Proyect portfolio

Visual Math (2015)


3D Library using WEBGL and Katex for creating 3D content to teach and visualize mathematics. A linear algebra course prototype was designed, this helped the graphics computing course in the National University of Colombia


  • threejs
  • katex
  • meteorjs
  • handlebarsjs
  • semanticui

Dascire (2015)

Startup that used the (MIRT) Multidimensional Item Response Theory and modern R/js developments to create ML powered apps to provide adaptive learning in schools and Universities. Contestant of the Village Capital Education Forum Colombia 2015.


  • d3
  • OpenCPU
  • R
  • katex
  • meteorjs
  • semanticui

PyOS (2015)


Console emulator that send UNIX commands to a beowulf cluster that boots from the network from a single centOS instance propagating the system to any number of machines


  • Python
  • linux

Finite Element Analysis of river meanders at the Magdalena river at la Dorada, Caldas, Colombia (2012 - 2015)

This proyect had multiple stages and teams, first from GIS & Agent simulation, and later from Finite element analysis modeling of the riverbed and water, taking into account river geology. This river actually threatens the town and has caused multiple floods. The special geomorphology is hard to estimate and the numerical simulation has been of great help to enable preemptive evacuations and comprehend how to mitigate the disaster, multiple strategies of migrating towards the future are discussed, with some simulations that helped build river barriers in strategic sites implemented.


  • grassGIS
  • blue kenue / sysyphe
  • Python
  • Wolfram Mathematica
  • Netlogo

Case Study : Risk Hedging by public company in Colombian Stock Market ECOPETROL (2014)

A case study was made analyzing the world's oil supply with market data, and the Colombian's company market price. Hedging strategies were implemented using financial engineering techniques with the goal of hedging the company against volatility. the hedging objectives were accomplished.


  • Wolfram Mathematica

Financial Sentiment analysis with twitter (2013)

Application that crawled twitter to correlate tweet sentiment with stock market assets (NYSE, NASDAQ & BVC)


  • pytweet
  • numpy
  • Python


Sandra Guayambuco

Mathematician, Universidad Nacional, Co-founder, Dascire, Data visualization specialist.

Francisco Ospina.

Statistician, Universidad Nacional, Data Science and Statistics Manager at Algorythm

Jose Luis Pisa.

Systems & Music Engineer, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Co-founder, Dascire, Front-end at ingenico.

Cesar Pachon.

Systems Engineer, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, expert in e-learning, computación 3D y Front end. Founder @ mundopato.com

Olivier Manette.

Computational Neuro scientist , CNRS (France) , High tech ultralightweight airplane entrepreneur. CUDA expert.

German Hernandez.

Professor, Systems and Computer engineering, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Director of ALGOS research.

Alvaro Montenegro PhD.

Director, SICS Research , Mathematician, Universidad Nacional.